Monday 9 November 2015

The final of finals: Students reloaded.

Our first term is officially over and we are ready (yes we are!) for our next subjects. They say time passes by quickly when you are having fun...well I would like to add 'finals' in that phrase. I don't think I  can truly describe what went through my head these couple of days: Anxiousness, nerves, scattered thoughts of holidays in remote beaches and the good old fear of the unknown, since this past finals were my first written examination in a long long time.
I feel very lucky and thankful, we had excellent tutors that could not only portray their knowledge but also their love for teaching. That is what will make a difference in the end: It is the ingredient which separates a lecture from an insightful experience. There were always space for questions and comments...this freedom is the starting point of transforming us into professionals  (yes I'm talking to you, student that fights with coffee machines, you are a professional! ).

Going back to my first day in Utrecht, I can say I'm very happy with my progress. Had it not been for the lectures, If I heard the term ‘margin squeeze’ I would have thought you were talking about putting on recently washed jeans in the morning. What makes matters worse, until the first couple of weeks, I had no idea what RBNB or Uber were...those companies don't exist in the same magnitude where I come from. Learning your way into the EU is certainly challenging, but not impossible. I have never felt alone in this process, and for that I should thank my classmates and teachers.

On a different order of things, I found a room (No, I did not, a fellow student found two, so she had one to spare.. thank you! ) in Utrecht, so I will be reporting soon from the city of Nijntje (Whatever you do, do not search for its song, for it will be stuck with you forever).
Leaving Haarlem is a bittersweet feeling, because on the one hand that would mean I will no longer have to live from train to train, but...I will definitely miss certain things. For example my restless neighbour, that from 6:30 am is completely dedicated to open the window and 'shoo' every pigeon that DARES  to stand in her balcony. This happens every 15 minutes. It is certainly a good company when you are studying, specially when she uses a broom. I hope she will be well and keeping that feisty spirit for a long time.
I'm guessing  on my next blog I will have a different view -and neighbours-, regardless my ability to pronounce my new street. 

Congratulations my fellow students, we have made it through our first set of finals!

 Don't forget, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments, just write them down, because one day... “ you could write a paper on that” .

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